My big brother, Alex, has been to the dentist many times. Today was my first time to go. She was SO NICE to me. I cried a little bit at first but once I was able to hold onto the froggie with big teeth, I was fine. Mommy was right there by my side so that made me feel a little bit more comfortable too. I let the doctor count my teeth - I have them all except for my top and bottom molars by the way - and clean my teeth with the tickle toothbrush. I really liked licking the bubble gum toothpaste off my teeth while she was cleaning them. Then I let her do an exam where she checked my throat and neck. After that, she looked at all of my teeth with the little mirror. I was really a good boy for it all. When I was all done, I got a token from the dentist to go and put in the toy machine they have at the office - that was probably my favorite part. So now that I've had my teeth "cleaned" I'll really be able to smile big for the camera and show my pearly whites!