Gracie has been enjoying her new tea set that she received for her birthday - thank you Reli and Bella! She enjoys sitting at the table (or on the floor) with her baby and her brother and serving tea. She also enjoys chasing mommy around the house trying to serve her a cup of tea. Of course, she also enjoys an occasional swig herself...
At the lodge, they had a game arcade with all kinds of fun stuff for us. Gracie spent most of her time there driving the ice cream truck. Adam hitched a ride with her for a little while too.
Here are some fun pix of us having fun at the water park in the resort. One of the best things is that because it was all indoors, we never had to put on one drop of sunscreen! Yipppeee!
We took a mini-vacation to the new Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine, TX. It is the most awesome place! It is a huge family resort with an indoor water park. There are all kinds of slides, fountains, kiddie pools and so much more. For all of our friends with kiddos (which is just about everyone) we would ALL highly recommend this place for a family getaway.
We went to a local ranch the other day with our MOMS C lub. Gracie was sick so I got to go with my good friend Adrienne and her mom. There were goats to feed, horses to ride and lassos to lasso. We even learned a little bit about the Indians. The weather was warm but just right to spend the morning outside.
During the month of May every year at Alex's school, they have field day. It is a fun day of sports, games, water slides and bounce houses. The PE teachers put it on and all of the parents come and help out.
Gracie had her 2 year well check this morning. She is 36 inches tall and 29 lbs. She is over the 100th percentile for her height and in the 75th percentile for her weight. The doctor said that we could double her height right now and that is about how tall she will be as an adult. She's going to be tall like her Mommy and Daddy! The doctor said for us to get ready for the modeling contracts - yikes!
The highlight of the day was this roller coaster called the Shamu Express. Mommy rode on it with us the first time but then after that, we wanted to ride it by ourselves. It was way cool and we probably rode it 20 times by the end of the day. The great thing about going to Sea World on Mother's Day is that it really isn't that crowded and we didn't have to wait in many lines for the rides.
We all (except Gracie) were able to ride on Journey to Atlantis. It was one of Adam and Alex's first roller coaster experiences. Adam didn't even cry after going down that HUGE hill and into the water. He was so brave. We must have ridden this ride at least 6 times.
We spent our Mother's Day at Sea World. It was the best Mother's Day Mommy says she has ever had. We had so much fun and really enjoyed the dolphins, whales and sea lions and especially loved riding on the roller coasters. Here is a picture of Gracie at the Shamu show - she LOVED it!
Gracie received a pretty dress-up set for one of her presents. She loves to dress up and especially loves the shoes that came with the set. As you can see here, Adam enjoys to dress up also.
Gracie's birthday party was great! We all enjoyed eating cake and watching her open her presents. Also, a big hit was the game we played called, "Pin the shoe on Cinderella." Even Alex and Adam had a good time with this one. :)
Adam and his classmates at school had a special breakfast for all of us moms last week. Adam made me a card that said he was going to help with vacuuming, cleaning his room and dusting. He also gave me a pretty flower.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
More birthday fun! Presents and cupcakes are super!