It was Mommy's birthday on Sunday and we got to have chocolate cake! Grandma Kitty, Grandpa Art and Gramma Esther were all able to be here to celebrate with us.
Well, Mommy finally did it and put our train table, trains and track up for sale on Craig's List. We have had lots of fun with it but it is time for it to find a new home with some other boys and/or girls who can enjoy it as much as we did.
Mommy had to make a Webkinz "basket" for part of a silent auction that will be held this weekend to raise money for our school. The "basket" is really a child's pink folding chair. We received lots of compliments on it from Madison and Nicole who both LOVE Webkinz.
Last week at our elementary school, there was this really cool magician who came and made it snow inside the cafeteria. The magician was funny and did lots of tricks like cutting off the principal's head and making a boy float in the air! We had a great time but I know that it really isn't magic - it's just an illusion. I learned that at one of my Mad Science classes!
A couple of weeks ago, our neighbor, Rexanne, had her daughter and granddaughter come for a visit. Gracie and Layla had a good time together and were so sweet. Here are some of the highlights of their first meeting.